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Founding Members

Philip Robillard

Personal Blog
Welcome to my Personal down line portal.
My name is Philip.
Member with SFI since 2016.

Using The Dollar Wise Network As My Business Brander and Referral Training Platform.
Offering FREE Reseller Websites + Online Stores for all your marketing requirements.

I Am A Life Style Coach & Mentor for everything affiliate marketing related, and business branding.

Every action you make through out our Dollar Wise Network OR Down line Builder Programs Will Generate Income.

Showing entrepreneurs how to innovate with the right marketing solutions -

I earn from all my clients I refer to Maree's Fiverr and ECA Stores.

Long Term Goals are the way to succeed.
YOU could have hundreds of Level One Members Generating Income over and over For YOU with simply promoting Our Family Network Of Sites.

Learn how to promote one single website Traffic Marketer Pro.
Generating 15 different income streams, listed in the down line builder program.
Jason Coleman

Martine GERARD

Welcome my name is Martine.
I live in France.

Let Me Share with you OUR Dollar Wise Blue Print for generating a real income on line.
How to become A Great Team Leader.
Simply do what I have been doing --
Making TMP your First Monthly Investment before spending else where.

If you have ever wanted to create a successful online business, you've come to the right place.
It takes experience - which can take you years to develop... or... which can be provided to you FREE.

You could spend thousands of dollars else where, believing all the hype.
Or follow Our Dollar Wise Blue Print I will provide to you FREE.

Yes I also started as a newbie with no understanding.
Remember it takes time to build any successful business.
The real test is not about earning in the first few months.
It should be about setting up your network and setting goals to start growing that nest egg.

It is so sad when I see members giving up before even starting.
Debra Gaylor

christopher m smith

Louis Harvey

Abdullah Alshelali

Lori Stenhouse

Joseph verneer

Maree Wells

Personal Blog
Welcome my name is Maree.
I am Admin at Traffic Marketer Pro.
I am the owner and co-founder of the Dollar Wise Network.. Established 2009.

Our Dollar Wise Network Consists of 3 "Instant Commission" Traffic Resources!
Each site is UNIQUE in what IT OFFERS...
Just Use Each Source For Advertising ANY Core Business.
Start receiving Sign Ups Sales & Commissions From The Other 2... and create yourself a "Perpetual Feedback Loop" Of Traffic & Instant Commissions Today!
Leveraging your income with our sites you will see listed in our Down Line Builder Program.

My story is this …
Nothing to something within 2 years.
I live in Christchurch New Zealand.
Success did not happen over night.
My Dollar Wise Network took a few years and thousands of dollars to develop.

Join the thousands that use My Blueprint to generate a real income online.
Simple promote our site, supporting our Online Community while generating Sales..
"DID you know by the end of 2015, the worldwide number of Internet users had grown to include more than 40% of ALL the people on the planet!"

To be a successful Internet Marketer.
You need to wisely use your time & advertising budget or it will be like trying to run in quicksand.
So lets make GOOD things happen to YOU, starting now!
I am very excited to see how Our Team Builds in 2018.
Let's face it, advertising is a numbers game.
The more your ad is shown, the higher percentage of click-through and sales you will convert.
Decide what hours you wish to dedicate to your On Line Business.
The beauty is you wake up, then just walk over to your computer.
Sit Down and you are ready to go.

YOU decide what hours you want to work,
YOU can reshuffle your time table if you need to spend time with the kids at school etc.
YOU determine your results.
The more you participate the more rewards you will receive in return.
Mary Hati

Personal Blog
Welcome to my personal Down Under portal.
Morning all. Welcome to all new members.
“A Quitter Never Wins And A Winner Never Quits.”
My name is Mary
From New Zealand Where the Grass is Green and the Air is fresh and clean.
I am so glad I stumbled across your advert at triple clicks it was your advertising for build it Big that caught my eye.
While reading through your site I noticed your Team building Packages.
I myself had been jumping around like a rabbit joining up here there and everywhere getting ripped off losing a lot of money.
Reading through your website and your testaments, I identified myself the same as what you were all saying. So I joined up with Dwsearner after my first week there talking and e-mailing to Maree I am now 100% behind everything Maree promotes and does. I got my first pay ever from following Maree and duplicating everything she does.
Thank you for all the opportunities you have opened up for me and every other Joe Boggs.
Join us here this is my number one site I use to prop up all my other internet marketing site. DWSEarner is the only site to be with The owner Maree helps you every step of the way and is one of the best Mentor around, So Join me here.

The MAIN REASON most people fail online is due to the fact that this very important element is missing: Skills and Hard Work.
Our Maree Designs Club REMOVES this.
Almost all of the online opportunities are perfect.
Most CAN generate an income for you.
But there is only one little problem: All of the online opportunities require
“Team Work” “Honest Leaders.” “Payments” “Guide Lines To Follow”
That means it’s NOT enough for you to too simply sign up, sit back and wait for the cash to roll in.. YOU need to be WORKING with your team.

Supplying Numerous Different Income Resources.
Simply by promoting DWSEarner and ABC4Income.
As New Members sign up they will duplicate the same system signing up to the down line builder program from members links.

Yes I achieve daily results. Because I do not go spreading my wings to far,
I concentrate on a few programs. Using the down line builder program solely for promoting DWSEarner and ABC4Income.
I say why change something when it works.

Join Me at Maree Designs Club
Join Me At Trafficwave
Join Me At ABC4Income
Join Me At GDI
Traffic Marketer Pro
Brian Mullins

Michelle Jayes

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